Global Impact

Pete & Beth Campbell 

Cusco, Peru 

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are in the early stages of building a Christian school in Cusco, Peru! Having finished 9 months of language and missionary training in Oaxaca, Mexico, we are settling into a rented home in Cusco and learning and adapting to our new environment. Pray with us and ask for the Lord’s help as we assemble the building blocks to lay a lasting foundation of Christian discipleship as we continue to work God’s mission woven through us. 

Carlos & Becki Pinto 

Corrientes missionary training institute, Quito, Ecuador 

The Pintos live in Quito, Ecuador where they are involved in directing a training center for Latin American missionary candidates, many of whom are going into parts of the world that are least reached with the gospel. At the Corrientes training center, they work with a culturally diverse team of experienced missionaries to equip the candidates with skills necessary to serve effectively in a cross-cultural setting as part of an international team.

Carlos also serves as assistant director of member care for the missionaries department of COMIBAM, a Latin missionary network.  He has been working for years in helping to develop wise and prepared member care workers for missionaries in many parts of Latin America.

Becki helps lead a group of Ecuadorian health professionals that seek to be salt and light for Jesus Christ in their work settings and other areas of influence. She is also involved with her dad, a Wycliffe translator, and a team of Urarina people to help revise the book of Exodus in their language and in finalizing Genesis, Exodus and the New Testament for printing.  The Urarina people live in the northern Amazonian swamplands of Peru, but she communicates with them mostly via WhatsApp when they come downstream to the city, where they can connect with the internet.  

Jeff & Kate Davis 

Rift Valley Academy, Kenya, Africa 

The Davises with their three boys Brennan, Lincoln, and Caden have been working at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) since 2005.  Thier sending organization is Africa Inland Mission and they love working in Kenya!  RVA is a Christian boarding school for missionary kids coming from all over Africa.  There are about 425 students at the school (K-12) who are coming from 25 different African countries and who represent 25 different nationalities.  Jeff is a Science teacher and loves coaching.  Kate works in the main office and plans activities for the students on the weekends. “At RVA, we are educating and discipling students toward their potential in Christ, thus enabling families to serve.  We work alongside AIM to see Christ-centered churches established and thriving among all of Africa’s peoples.” 

Mike & Amy Martin 

Wycliffe Bible Translators, Papua, Indonesia 

Mike & Amy celebrated the completion of the New Testament translation into  the Mek Kosarek language of Papua, Indonesia in August, 2023.  They will be on home ministry assignment through January 2025, providing remote consulting support for teams that are working to translate Scripture into other local languages in Indonesia. Mike began a doctoral study program specializing in Bible translation in October, 2023, which will help provide additional expertise in mentoring individuals who are engaged in Bible translation work.

Mission India 

Fueled by the Holy Spirit, Mission India’s indigenous ministry partners are faithfully sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world’s most populated country at over 1.4 billion. The vision of Mission India (MI) is to see the nation completely transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. By partnering with churches and individuals in the U.S. it provides the resources to empower and equip Indian individuals and churches to reach unreached communities.

MI’s focus is to see a fellowship of worshipping Christians within reach of every person in India and is advancing toward this goal through Children’s Bible Clubs, Adult Literacy Classes and Church Planter Training.  Each of these programs has been developed by Indians, for Indians, and is designed to work effectively within specific physical, emotional, and social challenges such as poverty and caste discrimination.

The persecution of believers has increased significantly in India, and the nation currently ranks as the 11th most dangerous country for Christians, according to Open Doors. More and more Indian states are instituting anti-conversion laws and prosecuting offenders with jail time. Yet even in a time of restriction and persecution, God is moving miraculously in India, and is calling new believers from every background and people group in India to serve and follow Him.