Our Commitments


Bridging Boundaries



Covenant Partnership

At Centerpoint, we use the term "Covenant Partner" instead of "member." A Covenant Partner is someone who has made a commitment to follow Jesus and to be an active part of our church community. This partnership is about working together, a shared faith, and walking the spiritual journey together. 

What is a Covenant Partner?

A Covenant Partner is someone who:
  • Has received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
  • Has been baptized.
  • Affirms the Apostles Creed and Centerpoint Church’s statement of faith.
  • Is committed to growing as an apprentice of Jesus.
  • Identifies and lives into their unique calling in partnership with Centerpoint’s vision.

Why Be a Covenant Partner?

Covenant Partnership is about connecting deeply with others as we seek to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. As Covenant Partners, we:
  • Walk the spiritual journey together, supporting and encouraging each other.
  • Commit to being renewed people who seek the welfare of our city.
  • Discern our unique callings and gifts, and use them to serve our community.

Being a Covenant Partner means you are not alone in your faith journey. You are surrounded by a community committed to practicing the way of Jesus together. Through this partnership, we can better discern and fulfill our callings, making a tangible impact in our city and beyond.

Partnership Commitments


Relentless Prayer

Everything we do is centered on Jesus and prayer is our go-to in all circumstances. We believe in the power of prayer and trust that God hears us and responds. It is through connection to Jesus that transforms us into renewed people.


Bridging Boundaries

We live in a world that divides people with growing precision. We choose to see all people as God sees them - dearly loved children of God. 


Outward Pursuits

We will seek the renewal of our city by living as renewed people who love our neighbors, making disciples who make disciples, and serve our city. 


One Body

The world will know Christ by our love for one another. Jesus prayed that we would be one as He is one with the Father. We commit to practicing unity in the body. 

Covenant Partnership Matters

Covenant Partnership is essential for building a strong and vibrant church community at Centerpoint. When we commit to each other in love and support, we create a place where people are radically welcomed, find belonging, can grow in their faith, and experience the life-changing love of Christ.